Saturday, February 17, 2007

Time for Reunion Dinner!

Time for Reunion Dinner!

Today is the eve of Chinese New Year! The biggest festival to be celebrated by the chinese all over the world. Hee... This year is the turn for the pig, not any ordinaray pig but the golden pig. Haa....

So on the eve we will have reunion dinner. This year a little special. I had my uncle and his family that came and joined us. With my 3 cousins, the noise level in my house jz went up to a new high record. Haa... However they does make the whole thing more interesting. It had been a long time since I ate with little kids. Boy, they did make the dinner more rowdy and funnier. Haa....

So what I had this year? As usual, steamboat with 1001 food to go into the steamboat. Haa....

Had a long time eating and talking to my family and the rest. Hmm... it had been a long time since we sat down and have a meal as a family.

My mum's special sauce

After which, I had promised the kids to make chocolate fondue for them.

After spending a lot of time on it, they jz ate and few mouthful and walked off. Really making me angry leh.... ....

Peace and quiet came back after they left. Haa....

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

A "going to eat a lot" Polarbear

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