Today is my first day at new work. It went pretty work. Nothing much there for me to do on my first day (Read: BORING!) as I do not have laptop yet. It seems like something went wrong with the laptop order and it will only arrive next week. Hee... Same for my new company phone as well.
All the new colleagues seems nice and friendly. I think I will need to get used to the new office culture. Seem like there are a few collegues that also just joined the company less than 3 months ago, so can say half of the company is pretty new. Hee...
The trip to home and back home was pretty uneventful, however I think I need to find a new way as changing from a bus to a train to bus is taking too much time and money. Maybe it is time to make use of the car allowance? Hee....
Leaving the office at 6pm also means that I am unable to attend my usual 6.30pm gym classes. Have to think of alternative ways to make use of my gym membership. Hee...
Ok, I will need to go to sleep now as I need to wake up early every day now, have to get used to it leh after slacking so long. Yawn!
A "newbie" Polarbear
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